Full Stack Engineer
Full Stack Engineer proficient in crafting robust, modern software solutions.
My journey into software development started in 2017 during a high school course dedicated to game development, where I created my first program using a legacy version of GameMaker Creator. Fortunate to find my passion early on, I am now en route to graduate from Carleton University with a degree in Computer Science, driven by a profound commitment to embark on a career in Software Engineering.
Armed with a solid foundation in Computer Science, I am proficient in a diverse range of technologies. On the front end, I specialize in Angular, React, and Next.js. In back-end development, my expertise spans SQL, Firebase, and MongoDB, providing robust and scalable solutions. Additionally, my proficiency in mobile development using Flutter allows me to create dynamic applications across various platforms.
This website was made from scratch in Visual Studio Code using Next.js and Tailwind CSS frameworks, alongside the assistance of GPT-4. Deployed using Vercel under my domain.